Stuck here. No where.
I'm glad that everyone is moving on to bigger and better things. I'm excited that they're getting the chance to start to pursue their dreams, goals, aspirations. But I'm so jealous. My chance of going to my school was shot down, just because I didn't have Pure Math. I mean, who needs Pure Math for writing and theatre? Instead of being in Victoria with great friends and an amazing program, I'm in Calgary. Waiting.
What happened to the summer? How did it just slip through my fingers? The one summer that I wished could have lasted forever, seemed the shortest of all my summers. Of course, I'm told that always happens. When you're most happy, happiness cuts you short.
"When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade". Well, if that be the case, then I'm squeezing with all my might. Maybe if I squeeze hard enough, something amazing will finally happen for me. One can hope, right?